Thursday, December 31, 2009

Bloggery Flattery

Picture source: Click here

Bloggery....made that up if you couldn't tell. What? I needed something to rhyme with flattery!

Cindy at Cottage Instincts recently did a post all about design. She talks about blogs and the feeling she gets while reading them.
She says,

"Below a listing of bloggers whose style either closely matches mine or who have perfected one of my 'loves' such that I still glean much inspiration from their taste. I applaud and support those who have managed to mold their homes to their unique personalities and not just to the latest catalogue of Pottery Barn whether or not their tastes perfectly match mine or not. Some of these are the 'big guys', but some are just creative genius' waiting to be discovered. Surfing blogs can give you a 'real life' picture of how 'real life' decorating looks without all the glitz and glamour and staging of a magazine shoot...but these gals give the mags a run for their money IMO."

I'm flattered and honored to be included in this list, along with some fantastic bloggers. Be sure to check out her post and visit the others, you won't be disappointed!

Read the post here!

Please have a safe and happy New Years! See you in 2010!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Might need an intervention...

This is really, really fun. If I knew I could love digital photos this much, I wouldn't have been so mean to my digital camera. I say nasty things about it because I was convinced I could never love digital as much as my "real" camera. And then along comes Picnik....

I owe my fake camera an apology.

Now who is going to come over and pry me off this chair? I have company coming for New Years Eve and I think they may be expecting a clean house...and something to eat....and possibly a drink or two.

What are your plans for New Years? Do you go out or stay in? Do you make resolutions? I heard a guy on the radio today say the only resolutions he could stick to would be to eat more and to be lazier. Sounds good to me! ;)

This is too much fun

I finally went for it and signed up for a Picnik account. Wow, what fun! I could be here all day long....but I can't. It was about an hour ago that I started trying to pull myself away from this seat.

My sweet friend Rue nominated me for the Homies 2009. If you'd be so kind as to throw a vote my way, here is the link..

She's on there too!

Sunday, December 27, 2009


I hope your Christmas was wonderful....did you get everything you wanted? We had a very nice holiday filled with family and smiles.

What was your favorite thing about your holiday? I think for me it was the calm. This year didn't seem rushed, or stressed. It was peaceful and calm, just happy times with the kids. I wish it hadn't gone so fast though, we would have liked to savor it a bit longer.

We definitely made a mess....

We had lots of fun....

And we ate.....

So now there is only one big mystery left this holiday season......

Where am I going to put all this stuff and who is going to come clean it up???

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas

From Our Home To Yours....Have A Safe And Happy Holiday!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas Countdown Part I

Wow, can you believe it's almost here?! Are you all ready? Shopping done? Wrapping done? Cookies baked?

I'm almost done.....there are still some fun things to do before the big day. I took a lot of pictures around our home of all the holiday decorations. Between now and Christmas, I'll be sharing these photos as we finish counting down. Enjoy!